Well it feels good to have my first post under my belt! I figure I should do one more today... a recap of the weekend!! But first you may be wondering why I'm not at my alpha course... well that would be due to the fact that after the gym today I started to feel dizzy, light headed, couldn't see so I immdiately worried that I was about to have a migraine (I should clarify that I have only had about 4 in my life...but both my parents get them so I knew my time was coming. GREAT thanks Mom and Dad.)
I thought maybe it was because I didn't eat anything all day and then had a fairly intense work out (in which my asthma also acted up a bit, not a full attack but some trouble breathing! I'm in perfect health really... lol today was not my day!) so when I got back to work I really started to feel it, my right temple felt like a thousand little construction workers were hammering away trying to find gold - I was trying to tell them there's really nothing THAT valuable in there and to PLEASE leave me alone because I have work to do! But then I experienced the nausea, and realized my light sensitivity was the auras!! I had to jet home as quick as possible to get into my cold, dark room. I had a 2 hour nap with my pooches who didn't really want to sleep because why would they? Mama was home so they thought that meant play time "let's jump on Mama's head" yessss because that's exactly what a person suffering a migraine needs! I thought dogs were supposed to be able to sense when someone is sick? I still love em!
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Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Rocky & Bobo |
Friday night: I got home from work (after an intense work out at lunch which I was feeling so great about) the hubby was on days off so he picked us up some healthy subs (all veggie for me) and it was a kick start to a great weekend - 3 days in a row of good work outs.
- Wednesday night we went to an MMA class - Mixed Martial Arts
- Thursday I went to my weights class, a little sore from my MMA class I put the pain aside and I crushed my work out!!!
- Friday morning I could barely walk, but I knew my cardio bootcamp class would be good for me. I go to the gym at noon every day with a few co-workers. One of them being the president of our company, he even noticed that I kicked my work out into high gear! Apparently I was running faster than a high speed rail train!! Just lapping people left and right!
Don't you want one? I know... they are impossible to resist! TRUST ME!
So we had our lil cheat meal... and Saturday morning comes along and I'm feeling guilty of course for my Quarter ponder meal so I head to the gym for spin and step class. Another amazing work out and I head home to get ready for our friends "ROCKSTAR" themed 25th birthday party!! We got decked out and headed to the party... now this was the real cheat day, good food (good food always means unhealthy lol) and booze = way too many calories to count! So we rocked the night away and at the end of the night my hubby sees those damn golden arches. So I say you get something I'm too full. Well of course when he's ordering I decide its impossible to watch him eat it without getting something myself... so what I'd get? Just take a guess... a new picture isn't even necessary because it was the exact same meal I had just 24 hours prior! Nice, I know!
So Sunday rolls around and we HAD to have been the laziest human beings alive. Now I know you don't know me, but I'm normally not one to sit around and do nothing... so it actually felt incredible to do just that ALL DAY and ALL Night!! Here's a recap of what took place....
10am - woke up in our movie theatre room to our contractor who is working on finishing the rest of our basement... he needed some measurements... all I have to say is thank gawd for the big curtain he hung to spare our theatre room of dust and contractor crap because newly weds aren't exactly dressed for company if you know what I mean. So he left and we watched:

3. Brothers: this movie is NOT any time of a feel good/non thinking movie. Its moving, and intriguing. It made us question "what would you do this that situation." And I can't say I'm sure, but I don't think I would've killed anyone (if I were Sam), nor would I ever hook up with my brother in law (if I were Grace.) However I was frustrated in how Sam could not open up when he returned... communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Now I understand that war is not an easy situation to experience let alone talk about. But he needed to open up to his wife. If he couldn't open up to her, he would lose her...maybe not to his brother Tommy but just in general. Overall I enjoyed this movie. I understand that Sam killed Private Joe only to survive in order to make it home to his wife and daughters and that was what was so heart breaking about the fact that he kept pushing them away. The ending was open... which I never like because then I can't stop thinking what happened to the characters. Did he get out of the psych ward? Did their marriage make it through? What was Tommy doing? Did he really love Grace? Too many questions left unanswered!!
So I know we watched three movies, but we weren't done with that 50" plasma yet... we opted for one of my "business research" shows!
4. Four Weddings on TLC: I love this show for so many reasons. I love to see how different each bride is in their wedding day vision. I love to see the different ideas and concepts people come up with. I love to see the other brides discuss each others weddings! I also love how each bride thinks their wedding is the best and that they'll definitely win! I decided why this is... as a Bride your day is all about you (and your groom) and everyone you know who loves you and cares for you is there. So how could you not have an amazing time and think its the best ever? I find it incredible interesting to see the perspective of an outsider - who doesn't even know you - comes to your special day and judges everything about it. When they say they have fun you know its a good wedding because they don't know a soul and can still have a great time. Lots of times I think the other brides are just flat out b*tches and down right mean. But hey, that's what makes for great TV!!
5. Big Brother Season 12: We watched this episode and were sadly disappointed that it was simply a recap ep! BUT I will say I love this season. Brittany is my favorite, yes she's fake to everyones face, makes fun of people behind their back and probably that girl you hated in high school... but let's face it. She's funny!! And I know she's engaged and being a newly wed I should support her engagement more than anyone, but is it wrong that I want her and Lane to hook up more than anything? So now that it's the final three I have to say my favorite is Lane... I find him entertaining, a bit of a red neck hick who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but pure entertainment. Hayden is ok... I think he could use the money more than Lane. And Enzo is pretty funny jersey boy! And we finally got to see his wife - um ya, Enzo you did well! Congrats. She's smokin hot AND she just had a baby. Not fair, but well done bud!
Okay last and final show of the night... one of my all time favs...
6. True Blood: rumor has it this was the season finale! If it was I'm sad, only because I'm obsessed with this show and I can't wait until JUNE 2011 for season 4! We own Season 1, so we may need to buy season 2 to have a True Blood marathon. Sookie is amazing, she essentially has 3 guys into her, Bill - who's gotta go, so happy she finally kicked him to the curb! Eric Northman - hottie, obsessed!! However he hasn't treated her THE best... still want them to hook up! And finally our new werewolf... he's a keeper!! I am dying to know where this show will go now. Each episode ends on a cliff hanger and I LOVE it!! I need more of it!!
Well that was the end of our movie night... oh wait except my hubby did watch 40 year old Virgin has we went to bed, but I was out like a light within the first few minutes!! If that's not a movie/TV marathon I don't know what is!!
Anyways my hubby just got home from work so I am off to... _____ watch TV? haha I'll leave you with that cliff hanger!
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