Friday, October 29, 2010

C'est L'Halloween

Well I've been MIA... that's because I was in the lovely city of Des Moines, Iowa. When I say lovely I really mean a brutal little ghost town that doesn't have anything of value to offer. Okay okay so its the Insurance hub of the US... but its sucks! hahaha So I really don't have much more to say about it. Other than the fact that while I was away Regina got 3 feet of snow from some freak blizzard! Just in time for the little trick or treaters.

Which reminds me that I need to go out and buy candy because my hubby and I have eaten the two boxes I bought over a month ago... I knew I shouldn't have taken those out of the secret spot! OH well!

I wish I could tell you that I was planning to dress my dogs up like this:

But the one year we tried to dress up our dogs (Bobo the girl as an angel) and Rocky as a clown they just tore eachothesr costumes off! I still have them so maybe I will try again but I don't think much has changed in 2 years!

We love English bulldogs but have heard they have bad health problems and usually don't live past 8 years old!!! :( A friend of mine had one growing up... look at the size of this sucker!
This bulldog could legitimately be the biggest bulldog EVER! lol LOVE him!!!

Not much else to report - this weekend is not going to be too eventful, the hubby is working days and I have no plans! It should be a good time to get the house back in order!

Oh and one more thing my wonderful husband did while I was away! When I got home yesterday he had almost totally redone our upstairs bathroom – he’d just finished the cabinets before I left and while I was gone he painted, and put in tile flooring and boarder in the shower (around our existing white tiled shower to match the floor!) it looks AMAZING!!! He just needs to grout the floor and it’s BRAND new! I love it!!! Such a good surprise!! Haha

Friday, October 22, 2010


TGIF is really all that's on my mind today!! Oh and this is cute... that is all! Have a great weekend!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Addition to the Family

I am surprising my lil fam with an addition to our family! I am SO excited about this.  We recently watched an Oprah episode about animals! You know us, we LOVE our doggies. I am a sucker for all things cute and cuddly! So when I saw this segment about adopting an elephant I knew I had to have one.  At first I was thinking it would never be possible but then I found out that YOU can adopt one for as little as $50US! So I've decided for Christmas Rocky and Bobo are getting a pet elephant!!!!! You get pictures and updates on your lil guy, plus you are helping out this amazing cause! So I've fostered MAKIRETI for my bobo and rocky doggies!

Isn't she sweet? She was found abandoned on community lands with no elephants in the area.  She was born Thursday, July 02, 2009 so she's only a little over a year old!!

But why stop at one? I decided this would be a GREAT gift for my mom too! She LOVES elephants - you know how everyone seems to have that one animal they adore? Well Elephants were my mom's go to animal! So I've adopted Olare for my mom!

Olare 1.
How cute is Olare?

 Her story is a sad one, she was found beside her paralyzed mother who later had to be euthanized. 

Check out the website to adopt your very own Elephant!!

Mice and stuff

It's Thursday already and that really couldn't be better!!

Last night I volunteered to share my faith story with the new RCIA group, it was great to meet all the newbies entering into our Catholic community.  Our priest was there - Father Steve; and he's basically the best priest that ever lived! He used water guns in our wedding ceremony!!!!!! He also showed this video in church at the Easter Vigil, people were OUTraged!

Until the end, because its the CUTEST video ever!!!! For some reason every animal I see on TV reminds me of my dogs... is that weird? But look at my little Miss Bobo...

You can't honestly tell me she doesn't remind you of that little fighter mouse? Right, because she does. Which makes the mouse traps in our shed so sad! I refuse to go look and see a baby mousey dead!! I think they are all gone now but it still breaks my heart to see an animal hurt or killed.

The other night my hubby and I watched 2 movies... one pick was his and other mine!

His Pick:

It was actually a cute movie!! Will's mini me reminded me SO much of Will Smith circqa Fresh Prince of Bel Air I could hardly contain myself! Every few minutes I was bursting out in the laughter omg he is SO Will!!!

Then on to my pick...

SUCH a cute movie, obviously it was one of those predictable movies and before even watching it you know EXACTLY what will happen but it was still so cute and lovey!

Tonight I have the daunting task of icing 200 cup cakes... 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


In 4 short months we will be taking off to beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for my bff's wedding!!! Aside from the actual wedding portion of this trip I haven't really done any thinking or investigating into the location, hotel, or anything fro that matter!! The trip had to be booked and paid for about a week after our wedding so I simply paid for our spots and haven't really thought much about where we are actually going!! lol 

So today I decided to check out the Dream!!!!!! Really we are going to be staying at Dreams Puerto Vallarta! It's a 5 star resort.  Here's what I've found out...

There are FOUR a la carte restaurants!! Seafood, Italian, Mexican and a Sea Side Grill!! There are TWO buffet style restaurants (one is called a World Cafe and the other is "Barefoot Grill").  

This specific investigation discovery will make my hubby especially happy - there are FIVE bars which include:

1. Barracuda Bar which overlooks ocean, beach and pool.
2. Marlin which is located on the beach
3. Manatees which is located IN the pool (aka a swim up bar!!!!!!!) I have been on 3 all inclusive vacations and a swim up bar is something I've ALWAYS wanted but never had!!!!!!!
4. Rendezvous - located in the lobby
5. La Cantina Jalisco Bar: Location: entrance to El Patio and it offers more than 60 varieties of tequila (barfing already!)

Also honey, you will be in your HEAVEN because the mini bar is replenished daily with a Liquor dispenser, water, soft drinks and BEER!

Yes, this is an actual picture from our resort! PURE heaven!
I can not WAIT to live the dream for a week in paradise AS well as be the MOH for my bff Kelly! It's going to be a beautiful wedding and a trip of a life time!!!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just another maniac Monday...

Just another maniac Monday... Wish it were Sunday!!!!!!!! I have been finding it harder and harder to get up in the mornings, I think this has to do with the fact that the sun is rising later and later each day!

My weekend consisted of a whole lot of nothing... Friday I was exhausted from my late night Thursday so we didn't do a whole lot. We picked up our new fireplace, its called "Real Flame" meaning its not an electric plug in fire place but does have a real flame! It uses a gel fuel and throws pretty good heat! Our living room looks so much more grown up! This is exactly what it needed!! Yes...that is not only the highlight of my Friday night but that is ALL that happened Friday night! lol

Saturday we started off the day with couples side by side massages! LOVE that! We hadn't had them since our wedding!

The rest of Saturday was pretty uneventful, I cleaned, hubby napped, I had a meeting with my business partner, hubby coached hockey.  Sunday I went to church and to my surprise there were baptism for little babies (which only made me want one - a baby that is!) so that's what I prayed for! Oh and Brother Andre Bessette was canonized a saint! He is only the 2nd born Canadian saint! Plus he was an ordinary man like you and I (except for his miraculous healing powers...) hahaha okay so I guess he wasn't JUST like you or me.  Father Steve says we're all Saints in training and I'd like to believe him! :)

Last night was the season finale of Sister Wives... I have to say I was a little disappointed. In the previews they made it seem like they were going to reveal this BIG secret and all it was was that Kody helped Robyn pick out her wedding dress... boring!!!!!! I was SURE they were going to announce she was pregnant out of wedlock!!!!! Apparently there's a federal investigation against them, and my hubby hopes they go to jail! HE HATES that show!! It makes him so mad he had to read while I finished the last 20 minutes of it! LOL Better that then him wanting a 2nd wife though right!?

My week is going to be a little more exciting then my weekend... I think...

Today: meeting with a make up artist this morning to work together on the wedding planning business! gym at noon, and meeting with a photographer tonight!
Tuesday: gym at noon, meeting with arbonne ladies (who are trying to get me to sell it...not gonna happen, I've been lured into that before ahem Beauty Control hahaha) and no other plans.
Wednesday: lunch with Kel, gotta take my car in for an assessment to get the front bumper fixed... and then going to the RCIA group meeting to share my faith story with the new group who will be baptized & confirmed at Easter!
Thursday: no plans
Friday: no plans
Saturday: no real plans...

I do have to pack because Sunday I am heading off to Des Moines, Iowa... yes I'm sure it will be as much fun as it sounds. At least the weather is supposed to be nice!  

AND the Most Incredible Bridal Show is Sunday so I'm sure I will be icing a lot of cup cakes this week!

Friday, October 15, 2010

the things people say...

Last night I had to attend a work function.  It's an annual affair and always a crazy time... last year it was held in Saskatoon and we shut the place down at 5am.  There were a lot of free drinks flowing and inappropriate comments being made. This year was no different. Except when its held in your own city and you have to get up for work the next day the game changes a little. I am sitting here fighting to keep my eyes open... don't worry I'm going home in 15 minutes! 

Some of the inappropriate yet hilarious and complimentary or offensive (depends which way you take it) comments included but were not limited to: 

"You are way too good looking to be working with these shiny bean counters" 

"YOU are L? I thought L was a guy! I am pleasantly surprised, you are SO good looking!!!!!!" 

"Do you want to go back to my room with me?" ummmm NO!? I just told you I was engaged...and you just told me all about a 19 year old girl you are sleeping with and every position you've tried.... "Ok, it was worth a shot" 

"Heeeyyy how are youuuu?" Oh hey I know you, you're my friends dad!!! "Oh shit!"


Entertaining night that's for sure!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lucky Number 13

My LUCKIEST number is 13! I know, weird - generally that's an unlucky number. But for me it has ALWAYS brought me the best things in life. 

1. Silly Crush

When I was 13 years old in grade 8 I had a crush on a grade 12 boy... on Friday November 13th, 1998 he took me out on a date - it also happened to be the DAY before I was about to leave for Paris, France with my Mom and bff Jenna. Lucky girl right? I thought so.  PS. Honey I know you're reading this but don't be jealous - he was Mormon and is probably a pelig now - oh wait, I think he is Kody on Sister Wives? hahaha None the less... my lucky number 13 story gets WAY better. I promise, just keep reading!  

This is me at 13 years old in Paris, France - obsessed with this homeless man's animals. I gave him all the money I had.  Oh and yes I looked like a cancer patient at 13... pale and skinny.
Yes we did go to Disneyland Paris!!! AMAZING!

There were other things that made me like the number 13: like 3 - 1 = 2 (I was born on the 2nd) I won't get into those more boring details...

2. Proposals

On Friday March 13th, 2009 weekend my wonderful and amazing husband asked me to spend the rest of my life with him... this is how the story actually goes...

walkin the dogs.jpg
Just BF/GF's at this point... who knew Friday 13th would pull through for me!
The unsuspecting fiancee to be (that's me!), planned a Winter Weekend Get-A-Way for the two of us. On Friday March 13th (AKA my lucky day), we went to the lake - The Cottage at Katepwa Lake - with one of my best friends Kelly and her boyfriend Colin! 

We all had a great weekend out there! Watched movies, played board games, went on the three wheeler, took the dogs for walks, drank, ate, RELAXED!!

Sunday March 15th, we came back to the city dropped off Kelly & Colin, dropped the dogs off and then went out to Moose Jaw for a night at the Moose Jaw Spa. We spent the afternoon in the spa pool, and took the Al Capone Chicago Connection Tunnel Tour. Once the tour was over, we went back to the Spa to check in to the Anniversary Suite!! Imagine: king size bed, living room with a fireplace, and a huge tub for two! 

we're getting married!
We put on the spa robes and cracked the champagne and toasted to a great weekend get-a-way. In the unedited version something else happened...after that...he started hugging me so tight. I wondered if he was A) dying or B) about to break up with me! But no, he whispered in my ear "I love you." I was SO confused at the seriousness and replied "Ya I love you too???? Haha." He held me so tight and continued "I love you...I'd die for you...I'd kill for you... I love you L. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Then I felt him reach into his pocket...he pulled the ring out and knelt down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I screamed, "YES!!!!" Jumped on him and hung off him like a monkey for about three full minutes. I was so shocked; I couldn't stop asking if it was real?! Finally he said "So are you going to try the ring on!?" I ran around screaming with excitement, I called my mom and started crying, tears of joy of course!!!

3. Vegas

When our friends found out about our engagement one of the first things that was decided was that we HAD to go to Vegas for our stag/stagette! We had to wait to find out the Mister's schedule and fit it into his days off so it was kind of a last minute booking frenzy!! Some people wanted to come but couldn't, others surprised us  by booking last minute! It was a whoever can make it = even better kind of a trip.  So when we got to Vegas and my gfs were putting on my stagette I came to the realization that there were exactly 13 of us girls there to celebrate!! Good omen, I think so!!!

13 hotties

Bride having a blast!

4. Marriage

So when we were going to set the date for the big day I knew it had to fall on a Friday the 13th weekend... that's how we chose Saturday August 14, 2010 to be the day we'd commit our lives to each other. It was a PERFECT day.

one happily married couple!

5. Work
Remember how I told you all that I am taking on more accounts at work - just being the best worker bee EVER? Right... well I found out today that I am getting precisely 13 new accounts. This MUST be a good thing!!!

6. Today is the 13th...

7. Anniversary

 Tomorrow is my 2 month wedding anniversary! We made it babe! lol

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Canadian thanksgiving = success! From double dating, a wedding, lots of good food, drinks, friends and family! It was one jam packed weekend! Holiday Monday was our only day off and we took full advantage!

We went to see The Social Network which was an amazing film. I literally left the theatre feeling smarter then when I entered. I think it was all the code talk and 1600 SATs brains.  Either way it was incredible and made me believe I can do anything too.  Especially since yesterday was our official website launch for Old, New, Borrowed & Blue Wedding and Event Planning.  

The real Mark Zuckerberg
I find myself incredibly curious about what was fiction in this movie and what really did happen! I have been googling articles on Mark and Sean Parker all day! haha If you have facebook this is a MUST see movie! If you went to college, this is a must see movie! If you are a business person, this is a must see movie! It's just a must see okay!

On to my play by play:

Today: gym at noon of course (gym every day!) Tonight I have a meeting with Cass my business partner to go over what all needs to be done for the business and upcoming trade show Oct.24th!!! 

Tomorrow: hosting that arbonne party at my house!

Thursday: IBAS (Insurance brokers association of sask) convention – last year it was a CRAZY party in Saskatoon! Not sure how it’ll turn out this year!

Friday, Saturday, Sunday NO PLANS! Yay! Hahaha Hubby is off this weekend again so I’m sure we’ll hang out with some cop couples oh right and hockey season is in full swing soI know he is coaching and may even have hockey practice for all I know! Lol

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jeggings Part Deux


I wore my new pair of jeggings last night and I have to say 1. they are amazing and 2. the ones I bought aren't TRUE jeggings - they aren't leggings that look like jeans... these ARE jeans they just have spandex stretch in them! After a few minutes of sporting them around the house I realized I was having to hike them up OFTEN! aka they are too big! I am happy because this means I'm now a size smaller then I thought! Even though I fully know this has to do with the fact that they are 98% cotton and 2% spandex... actually I was expecting the spandex content to be higher? Anyway... don't burst my bubble because I am on cloud 9 right now that I now need a smaller size! I am going to try to exchange them today! You know I NEED these for the weekend. hahaha


Last night my hubby had to coach - he is now a part time assistant coach for the "Aero's" which is a bantam hockey team (ie. a bunch of 13 year old boys.)  He's loving it.  I went to Earls for my gf Nicole's 24th birthday.  It was lots of fun, she has a new boy toy and is so smitten! It's so cute to see new love, awe makes me miss the romance of it all! hahaha HINT HINT Hubster! lol

I only had 2 drinks - one Viva Diva (yum!) and a glass of wine! Not bad huh!?
Oh and I had the bento box for dinner (OF COURSE!) its my go to!

I got home to my lil fam plus Bradshaw - my hubby's BFF (also my business partners husband.)  You see every couple of weeks these two get together and drink ALL night long.  Their guys nights consist of movies, BEER (lots of beer) and shots.  When I was leaving for work today they were still up drinking, so when I say all nighter I mean 7 or 8 in the morning. Some may say this is a problem hahaha. However I much prefer this type of guys night to a go out to the club guys night! They just enjoy each others company, get wasted and have a sleepover! lol


Since my hubby works nights and isn't home all the time I know I always have my two lil babies to cuddle me all night - Rocky and Bobo!

That's me behind them - don't judge my saggy boobies! I swear they aren't really saggy...ugh

We got ourselves a king size bed after we got these two dogs because they sleep with us and take up so much room! They aren't THAT big, but when they stretch out toe to toe I swear they're 4 feet long! Oh and they sleep diagonal in the bed.  Well I woke up this morning to these two pushing me off the bed... it's just the three of us in bed and I am getting pushed out of my king size bed!!! But I wouldn't have it any other way. Love my babies. Oh and yes I'm SO guilty of talking PURE baby talk to them 24-7! My hubby says he likes it... haha he better cause he's stuck with me!  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Ok so it's been a while, my apologies. I've been getting our Wedding Planning website ready. So yes, I've been cheating on blogspot with wordpress - shoot me! Anyway, I have about nine different topics to blog about... but since I missed my play by play let's start with that!

Monday: sicky...stayed home and slept for 15 hours. I may or may not have narcolepsy (ie. I do) my special powers of being able to sleep anywhere at anytime turn out to be a sleep disorder called Narc... that's right I did fall asleep in my chair at the kitchen table during our sushi and martini making party. Deal with it.

Tuesday: That was yesterday? weird, my days are all messed up. I'm not sure what I did! Now I'm a narc AND have no short term memory. Perfect!

Wednesday: Okay that's today... so I'm at work, speaking of my day job I decided if I wanted to keep climbing the corporate ladder I needed to offer to take on more.  Smooth move I know, so I am taking on 15 more accounts...GREAT. Who wants more work? I do. No I don't, but in order to be a highly paid executive I need to do this... this better pay off! Anyways I had to run to the bank and right across the street is this hip little store that sells Jeggings! That's right, I've fallen into the trend...yet again. About 5 years ago I swore I'd never wear skinny jeans...5 minutes later, I owned a pair! hahaha ok maybe a year, but still I fell into that trend. I think my thought process is that I assume it won't look good on my body type and then I just do it anyway! Two of my girlfriends recently bought some and they both look so good in them (although they both look like the picture below) but regardless I figure I had to try them! So I swong by Havik and tried on the True Religions, Rock & Republics and William Rast's.  I picked up a pair of Wills Jeggings - they made my bum look the best - its a big bum, so that's important! hahahaThey are so comfy and I can't wait to wear them ALL weekend! lol

Now I am getting ready to go to the gym for spin class so I can look extra good in these $200 jeggings! Tonight we are heading to Earls for my gf's 24th birthday party! Dinner and drinks, yes please! Minus the drinks, I had WAY too many of those on Saturday night.

Thursday: weights at noon (again to look extra good in my jeggings and to burn some extra cals before the thanksgiving weekend!) my hubby and I are double dating with a cop couple (I THINK!) its tentative at this point!

Friday: cardio boot camp at noon - please beat me in to shape for the damage I am about to do to my body this weekend.  You see, one of my hubby's groomsmen, who lives in BC is coming to Regina to spend the weekend with us... ahaha ya right, no he actually fell in love with my bridesmaid at our wedding!? Amazing, right? We wanted hook ups at our wedding but we didn't expect full blown LOVE! Well it happened! And we couldn't be happier about it! So we are going on a double date with them, dinner and drinks! Again, like I need it! hahaha

Saturday: I have a jammed packed day... at 11am I have a party to attend called "Friends, Fashion & French Toast" what could be better? Not one thing! Its a jewellery party, combined with brunch and friends! Perfection! At 2pm we have a wedding to jet off to! So I will miss out on my gf's 25th birthday in which they rented a party bus to escort them around the city! But we will try to meet up with them at the bar later in the night!

Sunday: another CRAZY day, church at 11am, followed by thanksgiving lunch at my hubby's maternal Grandma's house, followed by appies at my mom's for my families thanksgiving dinner, but we can't stay because we have to head out of town to my hubby's paternal grandparents for thanksgiving dinner! Ya, 3 THANKSGIVING dinners in ONE day... = me getting fat! Thanks fam. Oh and did I mention we are also supposed to meet up with all of my friends after for drinks!? More cals = GREAT! lol This is why I needed a pair of Jeggings (look like jeans, feel like stretchy leggings aka FORGIVING!)

Monday: HOLIDAY! No plans... slash I won't be able to move because I will be so full!

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