First I have to apologize for all the spelling mistakes in my last post... the hubby got home and I didn't have time to even click spell check, I just jumped the gun and hit post so I could go spend some QT with my main squeeze!
Reality TV:
Last night was the season finale of ABC's The Bachelor Pad. I have to say I loved this show. It was so full of drama, Elizabeth's screw loose ways, little miss Disney prancing around and hot hot people. It's one of those shows you know you shouldn't be watching but you can't help it. It's like a train wreck that you can't peel your eyes from. I also found it to be more "real" then the usual Bachelor/Bachelorette shows... no one was getting married after only 6 weeks of the most unreal fantasy land dates.
So last night was the season finale of this new amazing show... first of all was the dance off. I'm also a fan of DWTS so I loved the combination of shows. It was no coincidence that the hottest DWTS dancer Edyta Sliwinska was paired up with Kovacs and crazy town Ms. Kitt! The producers of this show are smart - let's pair up people that will create the most drama = success! It was entertaining to watch Elizabeth loose her marbles over Edyta's smokin hot bod and how she kept rubbing it all over Jesse Kovacs! I had to agree that Edyta was all over Jesse and he was NOT the least bit unhappy about it!

And then they pair up Tenley and Kiptyn with Chelsea Hightower - who just so happened to be Jake's dance partner on last season's DWTS... there was no drama there but the show tried effortlessly to create drama any way they could. Which is why Jake was one of the 3 judges... awkward! But Tenley handled it like a champ... 1. Jake should've chosen you Ten, but 2. you are WAY better off with Kiptyn - he's hotter, cooler, nicer, just better. So good job girl! Then came the vote off, I loved seeing everyone together again confronting each other after watching the season air... Michelle - you're crazy, you did hook up with Craig. Tenley merely stated the facts, deal with it. Wes and Gia, that won't last. She's a swimsuit model who's been with major league baseball players - come on Wes you're just Gia's latest it thing to gain more publicity and fame. Juan - what are you even talking about? Tenley was a competitor she won more challenges then 3/4 of the people in that house. You're 37 and should be quiet now! Just shhhhh... And then finally the cast voted for Dave and Nat over KipTEN ;)... they had to deliberate over what to do, share or keep...SHARE OR KEEP! This got me and my hubby talking ... what would you do? I was appalled to learn he would say KEEP! I said if that was ME your wife you would say KEEP? He quickly corrected himself that he would've only said keep if he were in that same situation that Dave was with Natalie. Hmmm, sure bud. You're true colors are beginning to show! Anyways...Nat REALLY played it up well at the end there, I thought omg is she really going to sewer Dave and keep it all?
Real Life:
Real Life:
When I got to work this morning I got this video in an email: and after I watched that one I had to watch the next one: as a newly wed it just made me laugh...guys are really stupid 90% of the time! hahaha. As a marketing guru it made me appreciate the clever ad campaign that JC Penny's Jewelry store came up with.
Real Life:
Now I HAVE to tell you about my gf C... this past weekend she went to a movie with none other than... Steven Tyler himself! I kid you not. Look at this picture, my gf is the blond one...
Random thought of the day 1: Do you ever wish you had never learnt how to read? LOL what I mean by this is... every time you look at something you are reading what it says even if you don't want to, you can't stop yourself. Some times I just don't want to read but my mind just does it. Now I realize it doesn't take a lot of effort because it becomes second nature but there's some days where I think about the fact that I'm constantly reading..."that billboard was a waste of my time... give me those 2 seconds back!" Now I hope I'll have you all thinking the same thing! Or maybe not and I'm just a looney bin! hahahaha
Alright off to my meeting!
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