Friday, September 7, 2012

Ready to POP

On Saturday September 1st I was thrown a lovely baby shower by my besties Kelly, Jenna and Britt! It was amazing!!!! I got so many amazing gifts, all sorts of things - such a wide variety from the diaper genie to a coach diaper bag!!! Not one duplicate and everything will be used sooner or later with our little mister!

Home made POP tarts

My FAVORITE thing in this pregnancy = A & W Breaky Sandys!! YUMMYYY

Today also marks my last day of work, I am then officially on maternity leave for 12 whole months!!! I LOVE YOU CANADA! Thank you for giving us 12 months of maternity leave. It really couldn't be better, when I hear of women in other countries who only get weeks or a couple months I just couldn't imagine leaving my baby all day to have to go back to work. We are very lucky to have the right to take 12 months leave from our jobs to raise our children! 

I'm now 38+ weeks pregnant and I am so ready to meet our son! I can't wait to reveal his name. I can't wait to hold him, kiss him and snuggle him!!!!!!!!! 

He is currently lying breech in my belly so its looking like it's going to be a scheduled c section. I should know a date next week, they have told me that they won't let me go over due so he should be here on or before September 19th. I just can not wait! 


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