Last night I finally went to the grocery store and loaded up on healthy foods (extra lean chicken, lots of fish, and lots of produce - fruits and veggies) so we could finally start our healthy eating diet!! I should clarify that I hate the word diet. I believe that fad diets, in the end, only make you fatter then you were to start! I saw it on Dr.Phil once okay? He said that you may cut weight on a fad diet at first but fad diets generally aren't something you can maintain long term and then once you cave and go back to your old ways (because you're little fad diet got you all skinny) you're body will gain the weight back and then some! You'll be fatter than you were before you started the latest and greatest diet! So don't do it okay!? With that being said we are not "dieting" we are just choosing to eat healthy foods rather than junk food EVERY day (I'm not kidding since the wedding it's been down hill and that was over a month ago!) So in our attempt to get back into a routine I stubbled across this article this morning:
6 reasons why you're overweight ... yes because I need someone to tell me...
1. You're not sleeping enough - well I know this isn't the issue for me! Especially today, I woke up to my hubby coming home from his night shift at 7:10am! I let him in and he says what're you doing? I looked at him like? WTF do you think honey bee I'm sleeping!? THEN I clued in... umm why? What time is it? Oh 7:10am... SHIT! I work at 7am. Not good.
None the less most nights I get at least 8 hours so this is not a valid excuse for weight gain!
2. You eat out too often - lately yes... what are you spying on me?
3. You over indulge on weekends - touche...ummm yes, that was evident by last weekend's mishaps. ugh!
4. Your food portions are too large - hmmm possible but I don't think so. Which got me thinking what is the right portion?
I found this article that has 8 ways to reduce your portions!5. You're drinking extra calories - not the case - I generally only drink water or green tea. Oh wait, but lately I have been drinking more pop! We had it left over from the wedding! Ugh time to chuck those in the trash!
6. You're not reading food labels correctly - quite possible, I usually just look at the calories! haha... I need to pay attention to the fat, sugar and sodium!!!!
So while I was writing this I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast yet (and that's the most important meal of the day!) I grabbed my banana and there was this cute and clever little sticker on it that said "Buy a Bunch Lose a Bunch" and the website url:
This instantly made me feel good about my choice to eat a banana! Especially after I visited the site and found out I could also WIN A BUNCH! Sign me up!
Food, weight, body image seem to be a never ending battle for most people, especially women and I'm one of them! Which reminds me of a question a good friend of mine asked me "If you could do anything you wanted in the world and there were no consequences. What would you do?" My answer was EASY! Eat whatever I want, whenever I want without gaining a pound.

UGH I know!! Wake up looking like a Vic Sec model after eating out for every meal and no gym? Yes, please. Sign me up for THAT lol Annnnnd I have TWO Lauren Conrad books ready and waiting for you!!