Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Whole Lotta Crazy

I don't know what it is about Polygamists that has me so intrigued, but I think it has to do with the completely different life style they lead. I'm interested to know how they live and how they share their time and HOW they can share their man. I think ultimately I like all the drama that comes with it. Sister Wives season 2 has been unreal so far... we found out that Jenelle's (Sister Wife #2) mom married Kody's dad (she is also Sister Wife #2) just after Jenelle married Kody.

Jenelle's Mom (Kody's Mother in law/Sister Mom?)  "What did I get myself into?"
 In Season 1 we learnt that Jenelle had originally married Meri's brother...so they were sisters in law. The marriage didn't last so Meri brought Jenelle in as the 2nd sister wife... they went from sister in law to sister wives. Confused yet? And polygis say they aren't a big incestuous family... come on! The proof is in the pudding!!!

I respect this family though, as much as I disagree with the life style and even though I could NEVER comprehend how you could share your husband, I respect the fact that 1. they have chosen this life style (what I mean is it wasn't forced upon them...before this show and Big Love I had the preconceived notion that polygamists were cults - all young children FORCED to marry dirty old men, I know that still exists but at least this family has chosen this life for themselves) 2. they love each other and 3. they make it work for them. It also makes for entertaining TV. So thank you Brown family for opening up your homes to us. Sunday night wouldn't be the same without you.

I still think there should be brother husbands... who ever finds the first family willing to open up about their brother husbands and make a show about them will make millions... maybe I should start that show? lol

No I didn't mean I want more husbands, one is PLENTY for me! :) That'd be a whole lotta crazy!!

Speaking of crazy..how about Virgin Mobile's new ads? I think they are pretty funny!

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha I LOVE those Virgin ads. They're hilarious! I hadn't seen them yet.

    I've also still never seen Sister Wives. I love how much you love polygis though. I need to watch this show already. We both know it'd end up being right up my alley.

    And girl you don't want to be on brother husbands. That'd be 3 more husbands to take care of. There's already a brother husbands show, it's called Kate plus Eight hahah JUST kidding, boys aren't like kids.

    They're worse lol


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