The hardest part about quitting was telling my current president who I respect and he has supported me so much in my current role. So when I went to tell him it didn't exactly go as I had envisioned. He came back with a counter offer and a 2 year plan for where he sees me in this company. After careful consideration I had to give myself the opportunity to explore my future with my current company. After 3 years of hard work I can't just give up on it when in less than 2 years I have a management position and even more perks and bonuses then I already have awaiting me...
Then I had to tell the Internet solutions company I wouldn't be accepting their offer after all, that I had an unforeseen change in my current position (IE. counter offer) but that I truly appreciated their interest in me.
PHEW glad this is all over with!
Remember, I did give up treats (chocolate bars, candy, chips etc.) for lent! :)
Anyways... this weekend was nice and relaxing. Hubster was working 2pm-2am shifts all weekend so I didn't get to see much of him. Friday I went to Costco with my mom and got some groceries, and printed my Mexico photos! Saturday I did a little shopping at Winners/Home Sense and Best Buy (I want the new I Pad 2 - it comes out Friday March 25th in Canada!) I also visited biffy Kelly who just got home from her honeymoon. She showed me her wedding video (AMAZING!) and wedding photos! Here are a few!
Ok, I have more then a few favorites so it was HARD to decide which ones to share!!!!!!!! :)
Saturday night I went to a gf's 25th (quarter centch!!) birthday bash! She rented the prime minister suite at Hotel Sask! It was lots of girls and lots of fun catching up with everyone! I only took a few pictures!
Sunday I was in the RWN (Regina Women's Network) fashion show! It was a fun light hearted show filled with 60+ clothing... but hey I got paid $50! lol
This week looks like this...
Today: GYM at noon (that's right, I'm getting back to the gym today... Yoga is amazing but just doesn't cut the fat like cardio and weights.... so I've decided I will go to my favorite yoga class Vinyasa on Thursdays and the gym every other day!) Time to get back in shape!!! Dinner with Mal! We have TOO much catching up to do!!! And then 2 volleyball games tonight!
Tuesday: GYM at noon, no plans at night! Maybe a cheap flick?
Wednesday: SURG day... time to breath again!!!!!!
Thursday, Friday - recovery...
Saturday: babysitting our niece Jordyn/laying around watching movies! :)
Sunday: church and recovery...
Hope y'all have a GREAT week!!
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