Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January = New Beginnings

Well it's 2011 y'all!!! (I envisioned Jessica Simpson's accent when I say that) lol! Happy New Year!

January, new beginnings and a whole new line up of new TV shows!! I know, you thought I was going to say something about healthy eating or working out and loosing weight right? Well that's on the agenda as well but I'm not going to talk about that today. What I am here to talk about is the newest season of the Bachelor!! Brad Womack is back y'all!!!!!!!!! Yeehaaww.  He's one smokin hot hottie.

And so WHAT if he didn't pick either of the last two b-rods! Both duds if you ask me! lol okay maybe not duds but whatever the guy didn't love them so why propose and then two weeks later end it? Good for you buddy.

After the first episode I just know we are in for a sweet ride! There are always going to be crazy girls when there's 20+ fighting for one man. Number 1 crazy = Ashley H... and she's a dentist!? How... she's acting a fool already.

Contestant Ashley Hebert from The Bachelor 15 with Brad Womack 2011

My two FAVORITES who both happen to be smokin hot mamas are (in no particular order):

1. Emily
Contestant Emily Maynard from The Bachelor 15 with Brad Womack 2011
Dale Earnhardt Jr 2008 Cropped.jpgThe Bachelor 15 contestant Emily Maynard is a 24-year-old event planner for a children’s hospital originally from Morgantown, West Virginia but currently living in Charlotte, North Carolina. Emily Maynard was engaged to Ricky Hendrick of NASCAR’s Hendricks Motor Sports and tragically found out she was pregnant with his child only days after he died in a plane crash. Emily also dated Dale Earnhardt Jr. (another race car driver) for a while (and he's UG!) but apparently he's the best race car driver around...the Brad Pitt of Nascar (except ugly.)  

2. Michelle

Contestant Michelle Money from The Bachelor 15 with Brad Womack 2011
The Bachelor 15 contestant Michelle Money is a 30-year-old hair stylist from Salt Lake City, Utah. Michelle is a former actress and model with a 5-year-old daughter named Brielle from a previous marriage.
She's MONEY!!!!!! ;)

Let the drama begin!


  1. Oh my GOD!!! I watched this in Phoenix, I made SURE we were home in time from shopping haha Emily is totally my favorite too, I also thought that Michelle was smokin hawt. I can't freakin wait for the next episode already, is it Monday yet??

  2. Michelle is a hoe...period

  3. lol ya not a fan of Michelle anymore! She's just an actress trying to pave her way to hollywood.


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