This weekend was action packed... okay maybe action isn't the right word..busy but fun!
I'm gonna get crazy here and tell you about my weekend backwards...
-slept in = missed church
-Jordyn got picked up and then we went to the church to volunteer for the "Engaged Encounter" session where we served coffee and desserts to engaged couples and then cleaned up afterwards
we hit hubby's favorite joint BP's! Then we watched a BAD movie "Never Let Me Go"
I say "Never See This Movie"
Why? It was slow and there was no climax and the ending SUCKED!
Then Hubby and I watched our new favorite show "Secret Millionaire"
If you haven't seen this show you, you should! It's on City TV. This show has us in tears EVERY time! It's brand new, last night's episode was only the fourth to air but it never fails that by the end we are both teary eyed and WISHING we were millionaires so that we could go on the show and give back to struggling communities. It is such a heart wretching, humbling show. Definitely a must see!
-went for brunch with The Morrison's (lol Jenna and Lance)
-went to the Spring Home Show... who knew it was going to be a complete GONG show!? There was a line up out the door, it had to have been at least 50 people long! So we x-nayed that idea and stubbled upon a Paderno sale that travels accross Canada? Who knew, but I found a tea pot steeper that I have been searching for to steep my loose green tea that hubby bought me for Christmas from David's Tea.
-Then we went and looked at a few show homes, one being the Hospital Home Lottery valued at 1.1 million... let me tell you, it was UNREAL! Like if we were going to build a new house THAT is what we'd build! It was a two storey walk out basement (so essentially three stories) and almost 4000 sq ft.
We already know we are winning this house though, so get ready for a sweet house warming in June when we move in!
After our nice little Saturday afternoon we went and picked up our niece Jordyn and took her swimming! Then we had sushi and watched Tinker Bell, Toy Story 3
When this little monkey fell asleep
We watched The Next Three Days
It was AWESOME! IT had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. PLUS it had a great ending!
Cuddle Bugs
Pistol's Saloon Grand Opening
newly re-vamped living room
Entrance to the basement
what's a basement without a few jerseys?
The Bar
The Pistols and SWEET vintage signs we got as a "bar warming" gift! haha
Wedding collage!
new pot!
14 foot church pew!
Office SPACE!
Lounge area
Fish tank built into the wall
Bobo thinking: What's his problem? |