Goooooood morning Bloggers and Blogettes! How's your day? Seriously, tell me! I want to know that more than 4 people actually read this blog.... no one? Okay, fine.
Back to me, my weekend was really good! Friday night Hub and I got our wedding video! That's right 6 months after the wedding, it was the best little Valentine's surprise! I think I watched it a minimum of 10 times... the videographer - Emery Wolfe ( did an amazing job! I will try to get the excerpt of the montage he put together and post it for you. AH I just loved it. Then I went over to hang with 3 other cop wives!
Shantal Steph Karlee (okay she's a cop FIANCEE!)
We had planned an elaborate pub crawl that was to go something like this... Shanny's then to The Tap, The Keg, Earls East, Earls South, Moxies, etc. Guess how far we made it? Shanny's... that's right, we stayed at Shantal's all night long! And I mean ALL NIGHT long. I didn't get home until 4am! And then I had to watch our wedding video again. Don't judge. I said I HAD to!!
Saturday was a fun filled day of shopping with one of my bff's Britt. We hit Muse, Blush Beauty Bar and Cornwall Centre! $200 later and I came home with two new suits, a dress and $200 poorer. Thank you Visa for paying for this little outing.
Then we hit up Lindsay & Kyle's Engagement Party, it was lots of fun, good food & friends!

Britt, Lindsay & Kelly Me, Chelsea, Katie & Nicole
(please note: I stole these photos from
B Smart Cookie's Blog as I didn't take a single photo...shameful, I know.)
Sunday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical, I am going to do that every day until we leave for Mexico! That is my plan and I am sticking to it! Gotta shed a couple LBS before hittin the beach!
After I got a little sweat on, I headed off to Costco - who doesn't love an unshowered smelly girl with black make up under her eyes from the night before wearing sweats and a hoody at costco? I thought it was the dress code so off I went. I came out $250 poorer but a whole lot of food richer! It was a much needed shopping trip as I hadn't been to A grocery store in... 3 weeks... ok ok I think it was actually 4.
As I was leaving Costco I noticed a nice grey/black area rug that might look nice in our living room, so I decided I would bring hubby back when he woke up. BIG mistake... if I thought $250 was an outrageous bill I had another thing coming. I took hub back to look at the $88 area rug, he liked it. Done. Oh no, wait... Hubby decided that we should look at the TVs. You see he decided we needed another TV for the basement (note: we have a 50" plasma with surround sound in our "movie room", a 40" LCD in the living room on the main floor and a 32" LCD in our bedroom....) just as I thought we were in the clear he spotted the 32" LED TV which was the "best" price he'd seen anywhere. OK fine, throw it in the cart. Along with that 180 degree wall mount... why not! $800 later...
I also picked up a Valentine's Day present for Bobo & Rocky...
This cute little dog bed! Awe. It was only $20! How could I not? We have a similar one from Pet Smart that was $100!
That wasn't the end of our shopping spree... we also took the dogs to Pet Smart to get mani/pedi's! It was long over due... Bobo's nails were getting so long she was practically walking on JUST her nails. While we were there we found a metal cage for the back of hub's new Ford Explorer. We bought it, and if it holds tight for the two crazies we will get another one for Neysa the Nissan! The groomers or should I say manicurist also told us that Rocky is the best looking frenchie in the city. He is so cocky right now! Bobo was appalled since she so clearly thinks she's the hottest shit to grace the earth. She went to bed early and pouted (actually the poor thing was sicky, puked twice last night. I hope she's better today!)
So it's Monday is it? This is the last week I will be in the office until March 14th!! So enjoy my posts while you can, it may be a while until I am back in action.
Today - I dropped Neysa off at Nissan to get a few minor things fixed (weather stripping and a tiny chip) hopefully I will have her back today so I can go for a tan. Yoga at noon and volleyball tonight! AND another elliptical session after work!
Tuesday - meetings all day, Tan & elliptical - no plans for the evening! Finish getting ready for Saturday...
Wednesday - yoga at noon, tan & elliptical & Volleyball - no other plans!
Thursday - Pre-Op doctor's appointment, ONBB meeting after work with a lighting source to learn about the latest and greatest lighting trends for weddings!
Friday - lunch with some co-workers, CT Scan and finish preparing for SATURDAY!
Saturday - SURPRISE filled Bridal Shower for Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will post more details after the big shower!
Sunday - Meeting with Carly & Trevor regarding their wedding stationary needs.
Monday - Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday - Thursday - Calgary
Friday - Surgery - I am having Endscopic Sinus Surgery... I have polyps growing in my sinuses and a deviated septum. There is a one week recovery period in which I will be off of work recovering and then one week following my surgery we are off to MEXICO for Kelly & Colin's wedding!!!!!!!!!!