This weekend I was in the US of A! We went down to the US for some good old fashion hockey (okay I'll be honest, I went for the shopping!)
Friday around 1pm we all piled onto the bus and headed down to the US... it's only about 2 hours to the border. At the border which is in a town called Portal I started asking questions... so this half of Portal is in Saskatchewan Canada and this half of Portal is in North Dakota, USA? So if you live in Portal do you have to have dual citizenship? Can you cross the town to get the duty free? Where else would they buy booze and cigarettes in this one horse town? No one else seemed to care about the answers so I was left pondering about Portal all the way to Minot.
In Minot we stopped for supper... as soon as we got off the bus we could immediately see the difference from Canada and the US. I'm not trying to be rude here, I am just making an observation but everyone is fatter! I don't mean there's a few people here and there but it is noticeable the amount of overweight and obese people that live in the US. Regardless we had our $10 buffet of all deep fried food and were on our way.
Saturday morning was the first game and the other assistant coach - TJ's wife (Neysa) and I decided that 8:30am was far too early to wake up for a hockey game on a Saturday morning. We would sleep in and meet everyone at the mall. We hit up the first mall which was "walking distance" slash freeze your butt off, can't feel your face by the time you get across the highway distance. It was worse than Golden Mile (which is a dying desolate mall in Regina with one of two old lady shops) this mall - Gateway didn't even have that. We couldn't even find a place to eat in this mall. So it was off to the next mall which we hoped was better... Kirkwood Mall was a success. We got there around 11am and found there were a number of stores we had to hit! But first I felt as though I MUST have a hair cut... I had had my hair in a tight ballerina bun for the past 2 weeks and that's a key sign its high time for a hair cut. I thought I might find a decent hair salon in the mall but then I remembered I was in a small mid-western US town... Master Cuts it was.
This picture actually makes it look nicer than the one in the Kirkwood Mall |
The sign read hair cut only $15.95... wow everything really is cheaper down south. I guess you get what you pay for... I sat down and the hair dresser started chopping. That's right, no wash just a dry cut! I would normally be a little more concerned but my hair had grown about 6 inches since my last cut and was half way down my back so I wasn't too concerned if she chopped it up since I was fairly certain it would still be pretty long... as she chopped away (which I am now certain wasn't an even cut job by any means) she asked me what I did for a living and I told her I wasn't from ND. When she found out I was from Canada she got very excited and asked all kinds of questions... like "what are the fashion trends up there"?
I knew our conversation would get interesting when she asked me my age. I didn't lie I told her I was 26 years old. She said OH WOW, NO WAY! I thought you were my age. Which was? 19! So I thanked her for the compliment and she said "The water must be really good up in Canada" hahaha okay enough said...
The boys wanted nothing to do with our shopping marathon so they headed back to the hotel for a nap before the next game. We had 4 hours to kill and were worried we wouldn't be able to find anything to do... we were wrong. From our $20 boots (regular $100+) to our Target escapades, we found plenty to do and even more to spend our money on.
Gotta love Target! |
We raced to the bus to make it for the pick up time and made it to the second game... that's where we found out about the raffle. I got a little excited, who doesn't love a raffle? Well, they do a few things different down in the US... like raffle off over 250 guns at kids hockey tournaments. Yep, I'm not joking - I even took a picture to prove it.
Yes because America needs more guns!
I figured I needed a couple pictures to prove I was even in Bismarck and better yet at the hockey games. So here I am checking out the teams, practicing being a hockey mom.
Here's my hubby coaching away with the other assistant coach TJ!
Hockey/Cop Wives Club: Neysa & Lex
Our boys made it to the A Finals...
Nothing like a little pep talk in between the 2nd & 3rd period...down by 2! Come on boys!
Well they did well, 2nd place is nothing to be ashamed of!