Friday, November 9, 2012

Birth Story

I am so thrilled to welcome our son Smith Jon Glenn to the world.

Our birth story is a crazy one. As my last post indicated my last day of work was September 7th. That night the hubby and I went for dinner at Teppanyaki a japanese style restaurant where they cook the food in front of you. It was our celebratory date night - last day of work!

On Saturday September 8th we had a busy day planned, we had to go over to our condo (our rental investment property) and do some paint touch ups. Here I am 9 months pregnant rolling paint! We got home and decided to give our house a full cleaning. I was even washing windows! Hubby was having a few guys over for some pre-drinks before the K9 cabaret and so I was in the kitchen getting some appies ready. Everyone was supposed to be over at 5pm, it was 5:15 and hubb told me the boys would be here in 15 minutes. I was just about to turn the oven on and boom, I feel a gush of fluid and I think to myself... did I just pee myself? I go to the bathroom and check, nope that's definitely clear fluid. And the gush never stopped! I ran to the back door, to find hubby having a beer and I yelled "MY water just BROKE!" He did not believe me at first - he said "shut up!" and I said yaaa, its gushing! WHAT DO I DO! He said K lets go to the hospital! Get your bag!

Side note: because I was carrying a breech baby I was told if my water were to break to get to the hospital right away.

So I grab a towel and shove it in my lulu lemon pants and off we go! Now the flow of water didn't stop, by the time we go to the hospital 10 minutes later I'd soaked through the towel and the seat of my car was soaked.

Hubby dropped me at the emergency room door and went to park. After what felt like an eternity we got checked in (the women working the front desk was rude and I actually started to cry - when I got up to the front I said "my water broke and I have breech baby so I need to get in for a c section right away. And she said something like "well I can't do that for you" with such a rude attitude. I wanted to say YA I KNOW LADY, get me admitted so I can get up to Labour and delivery.) Anyway after a couple minutes we got escorted up to labour and delivery!

Once we got there I told them the situation and they said they would just check to make sure my water did break. They asked me to sit in the chair to go over my information. When I stood up - that chair was soaked too. The nurse said "ok yes you're water is broken!" haha yes thanks tips!

We got into an assessment room, hooked up to the fetal heart rate machine and saw a couple nurses to go over our situation. We were told the OBGYN on duty was currently in another section and we'd be next. However the last time I ate was 4pm (a small snack) and normally they want 8 hours with no food or water before they operate.  We saw the OBGYN - they confirmed baby was still breech and the section would go ahead.  Because I didn't eat much they said we'd be in the OR for a 10pm section. Around 6pm my contractions started and they were coming over 3-5 minutes. They honestly felt exactly like my period cramps (note: I have the worst cramps ever, debilitating really - I've had to leave work or not go into work because they've been so bad.) At about 9pm we were asked to leave the assessment room and go sit in the waiting room of labour and delivery until 9:45pm - when we were told my hubby needed to be suited up and ready to go into the OR. 9:45pm came and went and my contractions were coming on stronger and closer together. Probably about every 1-2 minutes. Oh and the water never stopped gushing! I had to go to the bathroom and change the pads every half hour. The worst part about it was I was labouring with 4 other women. I couldn't get any drugs because we were waiting to get into the OR to get my spinal. Finally at 11:30pm we found our nurse and she did bring some "gas" it helped a little but I probably only used it for a few contractions because a few minutes later we were able to go into the OR.

In the OR I needed to get my spinal and catheter before hubby could come in. My anesthesiologist was not kind... he shoved the needle in my back without any warning and I jumped! Then he tells me not to move! Well too late, so now I'm panicking my head that I'm going to be paralyzed! They lay me down on the table and start to put the catheter in and I can still feel my legs and feel them touching me so then I'm panicking that I'm going to feel the cut. I tell them I can feel and the anesthesiologist takes a needle and pokes my stomach says tell me when you feel pain. I tell him that I can feel all of that. He was SO rude and says oh that's painful? And I said no, its not painful but I can feel it. And he says you will feel it but it won't be painful. So I'm thinking, how am I going to feel this yet it's not going to be painful?? Finally they bring my hubby in, and I'm in tears. He's so pumped that we are about to finally meet our son! All I could say is "I'm scared, I'm scared" over and over. No less than 20 minutes later our son was born! And no, I didn't feel the cut...but I did feel them digging around in my belly to get Smith out.

They called my hubby over to take photos and cut the cord! After that they needed to take Smith off to the nursery for some checks, they brought him to my face. I couldnt hold him since my arms were stretched out on the table and i was being sewn up. But I nuzzled him with my nose and gave him butterfly kisses!!

By 2am, Daddy had brought Smith into recovery and I was nursing my sweet baby boy!

Today Smith is 2 months old, I can't believe how fast time is flying!!

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