Over the weekend hubby and I celebrated one year of marriage! Where does the time go??
Friday we got to the lake around supper time and just had dinner, a fire and watched a movie. We took it pretty easy which was nice.
We watched Source Code which is such a good movie!! Highly recommend, although the ending technically doesn't make logical sense, I still liked it and would prefer to live in la la land some times!!
Saturday we slept in and then went down to the main beach and hung out there for a little bit.
Then we went over to Jon’s parents place and hung out there, went swimming and chilled out, stayed for supper and had a bon fire til about 11 then we went back to my cabin and watched our wedding video!! It was so nice to watch it all! It brought back so many memories! I HIGHLY recommend getting your wedding professional video graphed!
Then Sunday we slept in and just chilled out, I ended up having a 2 and half hour nap on the hammock!! Hahahaha then went back to the city and did the condo tenant exchange (new tenants move in today), went to chapters for a bit and had a bite to eat at Montana's! Hahaha #pureclass then we went home and did our gift exchange and watched our shows (big brother and true blood!) hahaha it was a really good weekend, so relaxing and fun!!
Side note... remember a couple months ago when I cut my hair? http://lwifeylifey.blogspot.com/2011/05/bye-bye-long-lucsious-hello-short-sweet.html
Long Hair Before: Short Hair after:

Well looky looky, who copied me... my little famous twin.
Long Before: Short After: