Today marks my 25 completed weeks of pregnancy! I am so excited to be feeling all the kicks and punches. Hubby has now felt Baby K squirming about, its truly the most amazing, reassuring feeling in the world.
25 weeks |
I can hardly believe I only have 2 weeks left in the second trimester. Before I know it, it'll be September and we'll be brining home our beautiful 8lb 5oz baby boy! (That's my weight guess for him! I don't know why... but that number sticks in my head! hahaha)
How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Same as last time...not sure....but definitely growing...I don't like looking at the scale!
Maternity clothes? nothing new on this front.
Stretch marks? Still no!! Phew!
Sleep: I'm sleeping a lot better these days, we just got AC installed and I couldn't be happier about that!
Best moment this week: Having Hubby feel Baby K moving (it was exactly one week ago today - at 24 weeks when he felt him for the first time!)
Miss Anything? Same old, soft cheese, the odd glass of wine. But this BABY is SOOOOO worth it! :)
Movement: Lots of kicking and punching and even full rolls! I've seen my belly do a complete flip! It's the most amazing thing. I've had a couple stitches when he pushes his back or head really hard into my right side. It's laughable pain... so weird funny, you can feel him because its literally rock hard where he's pushing. I've noticed he's most active either after I eat something and around 10/11pm.
Food cravings: Just loving my Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream!!!!! STILL! Got a GIANT two scoop from Polar Palace the other day... I really wished I'd taken a picture. Guess that just means I'll have to get another one... right? lol picture to follow!!! ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope; not any more thank goodness!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Labor Signs: No, thank god!
Belly Button in or out? It's in but popping out more and more as the days go on!
Wedding rings on or off? Off, it's hot here and I started to get a bit swollen so I took it off now before I can't! Hubby bought me a beautiful swarovski ring that I LOVE!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling very happy. still more emotional too!
Nursery Update: We've hung some shelves and added a bit more of the decor. It's almost complete and then I'll take some photos and post them!!
Looking forward to: continuing to feel movement, bigger kicks/punches? Just enjoying this whole experience so much!
Not loving: my tail bone pain is still there but has subsided significantly from when it was pinching my sciatic nerve. THAT HURT!