I have been so excited about my recent "big" baby purchases. So far we haven't got a ton but we do have some of the main things. On Saturday I went to Babies R Us to take advantage of the sale!
We've painted the baby room a light grey called "Dolphin Fin"
It looks really warm in the room, the baseboards, trim and doors are all white so my theme is a calming, serene, classy feel for the room. When we find out the gender we'll add some POPS and decide on the fun accessories and decor! More to come on that!
My wonderful in laws (Grandma & Grandpa) bought our crib for us from Toys R Us.
My wonderful mom (Nana Jubes) bought us the dresser/change table (also from Toys R Us)!
Over the weekend I went and bought a few more things for baby that we'll need before he/she arrives!

We got this play pen - it will fit beside our bed if we need it to (which I'm guessing we will) plus has the amazing roof cover for outside!! I love this! It was regular $150, on for $100! Nana Jubes generously offered to pick up the tab on this one too!! Such a good nana! ;)

I got this little bassinet for our bed! This way baby can sleep right with us for the first little while and I don't have to worry about rolling over on him/her or the dogs laying on him/her! It was regular $60 and I got it for $35!! Who doesn't love a good deal right??
My only impulse buy which was SUCH a good deal, I couldn't pass it up was on this high chair!!
I bought the floor model. Regular price $280, got it for a hundred BUCKS! How could I pass this up?? PLUS Nana Jubes is picking up the tab on this one too! We're so blessed!!! This baby is so spoiled already!!

The only other items we have found that we want - are...
This DENIM Peg Perego car seat!!
For anyone that knows us, will get why we NEED to have the denim...

Our Wedding Day

Another jean-xedo (as hubby calls them) pic! The "Canadian Tuxedo" Jean on Jean or Jeanxedo!! ;)
Now you see why we need the DENIM baby gear????
This is one thing I am DESPERATE for... but will hold off on getting til AFTER the baby comes!!
Peg Perego-GT3 Completo Stroller-
I'll keep ya posted on my purchases and/or gifts as we continue along this amazing new adventure!!