I wish I could say that was me just loving life in my jump suit, but its not. I don't even know if a jump suit would look good on me. Where can I go in this city to try one on? Anyone!? If ANYONE is out there now is the time to speak up!
Okay so this weekend I have a birthday party to attend, a birthday party for a 2 year old! And guess what I bought her? You'll never guess... hint hint, look up!
a denim jump suit! DUH!
I also made the birthday girl's cake (and cupcakes - forgot to take pictures! UGH)
My weekly play by play... I know you've all missed these...
Wednesday (AKA TODAY) going for drinks for Boon's bday (cop buddy of hubby's)
Thursday Hub and I are volunteering at the holy Thursday mass at church
Friday lil romantic day with the hubby - roadie! Maybe hit Moose Jaw Spa and have dinner at our fav Greek joint in MJ! Relieve our engagement from 2 years ago!
Saturday Hair appointment in the morning, CHOP my hair?????? I'm ITCHING to, but will probably chicken out... WHAT should I do? Then a wedding planning session with gf Carly, in the midst of our running around we'll pop in to the birthday bash for Brooke's 2nd bday! Then more planning, and drinks later in the evening with the bride to be Carly and her fiancee Trevor, Nic and Joel and who ever else wants to join us!!
Sunday Church, Family lunches and dinners!
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!